Thursday, 19 June 2014


     On Tuesday, June 17th, after many delays, our Antares catamaran "Zooropa" was finally splashed in San Fernando, Buenos Aires.
Tight fit, Zooropa is almost 22 feet wide.


  We are still home in Ontario but the packing has started in earnest now. On previous visits to the factory we have shipped down 16 bins full of boat paraphernalia, we have 12 more to go with us this time. Galley (kitchen) ware, bedding, clothes, tools, sailing related gadgets, books, charts , you name it, we've packed it.

    She's not ready to sail off on yet though! The mast and rigging have to be installed, sails added and major systems turned on for the first time and checked. Antares staff and crew will take her out towards the South Atlantic for an overnight sail to check, among other things, engines,water maker ,rigging, electronics etc.  Fingers crossed that all is functioning well.

    Once we have been given the "all systems are go" we will book our one way flight to Argentina. Having spent most of January,February and March trying to avoid winter weather, we will now be joining the Argentinians for their winter,  how ironic!!                                                             PB.